Monday, March 24, 2008

The Presidental Election

The presidental election to me is based on the race card. I feel that the voters and common people are making it seem as if race should decide who you vote. Obama has good goals but I don't know if he will follow through. Hilary clinton has the experince of having a husband who was already in office. but I fear that she may come with his baggage. There has been talk that Bill Clinton had made a agreement with the middle east while in office. Also I wonder if Hilary will let her husband influnece her. Although bill Clinton was a good president. Obama speech on race and religion shocked me. He spoke out about how people say he's not black enough . He told his story and didn't care. He stood up and didn't care about the reactions. Church is supposed o be separeted from state. I like both of them But I like Clinton better.

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